Join Jai Flicker, Educator and Founder of LifeWorks Learning Center and Deb Blum, Parent and Life Coach, as we help re-awaken your natural parenting instincts. Each week we’ll bring together wisdom from the past and scientific and psychological research from the present to support you in your parenting journey. Parenting 3.0 isn’t a fad or a quick fix. It’s a set of principles that allows us to respond to our kids and life from an informed and empowered place AND raise emotionally healthy kids. Listen in!
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Attachment Theory - Part 3: The Six Stages of Attachment
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
This week, Jai and Deb continue their exploration of Attachment Theory, shining a light on the six ways that attachment bonds develop over time:
(1) Physical Closeness (connection via the senses)
(2) Sameness (mirroring, monkey-see-monkey-do)
(3) Belonging / Loyalty (group identity)
(4) Significance (cherished for who they are, as is)
(5) Love (emotional expression)
(6) Being Known (psychological closeness)
Jai shares what happened to him before stage four that caused him to get a little stuck and, as an adult, how he moved through that. Jai and Deb also talk about how we might show our kids that they are significant to us.
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And find them on their websites: and
The Parenting 3.0 Show is a weekly long-form discussion aimed at helping to make parenting more effective and enjoyable for parents and more beneficial for kids.
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Attachment Theory - Part 2: The Strange Situation and Beyond
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
This week, Jai and Deb continue their exploration of Attachment Theory, beginning with a deep dive into the now famous set of experiments known as the Strange Situation in which early attachment researchers observed what happens when mothers and their babies are introduced to strangers. This research is where the idea that people have either secure or insecure attachment styles originated.
In the second half of the show, Jai and Deb go beyond the Strange Situation to discuss a more current, and more nuanced, version of Attachment Theory, based on the pioneering work of Dr. Gordon Neufeld, which they have both found to be transformative to their parenting and their work with others.
Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:
- The Strange Situation (YouTube Video)
- Making Sense of Kids with Gordon Neufeld (YouTube Video)
- Unconditional Love - This American Life Podcast
- Like the Parenting 3.0 Podcast Facebook Page
- And find them on their websites: LifeWorks Learning Center and
The Parenting 3.0 Show is a weekly long-form discussion aimed at helping to make parenting more effective and enjoyable for parents and more beneficial for kids.
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Attachment Theory - Part 1: From Role to Relationship
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
This week, Jai and Deb begin to explore Attachment Theory. In this first installment, they discuss the importance of shifting from seeing parenting as a role to fulfill to seeing it as a dynamic relationship to inhabit. They also talk about the important distinction between Attachment Theory, which a developmental explanation of relationship and bonding, and Attachment Parenting, which is a set of specific parenting strategies. For more on this distinction, see this great article.
Music: Creative Minds and A Day to Remember courtesy of
The Parenting 3.0 Show is a weekly long-form discussion aimed at helping to make parenting more effective and enjoyable for parents and more beneficial for kids.
Monday Oct 07, 2019
What is Parenting 3.0? - A Brief History of Parenting
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
In this week’s episode, Jai and Deb answer the question: What is Parenting 3.0? We start by describing Parenting 1.0 and when and how we evolved into Parenting 2.0. Along the way, we describe both the benefits and pitfalls of each stage and then discuss how Parenting 3.0 incorporates the best of both previous stages, while adding in several new important elements.
Below are brief descriptions of each parenting stage:
Parenting 1.0: For most of human history, people have parented the way their parents and grandparents did, with culture providing the cues. We didn’t have to ask questions - we just learned from our elders and culture around us. Parents didn’t think about being “good” parents, they just parented based on tradition and instinct. The quality of our parenting was largely an accident of the family we grew up in and the culture we inherited.
Parenting 2.0: Along the way, for various cultural reasons, parents started turning to experts to learn to parent instead of following the lead of their parents and grandparents. This was the beginning of intentional and self-conscious parenting. In some cases, this evolution allowed for real advances, but over time, an endless stream of conflicting advice has led to confusion as we’ve lost touch with our natural parenting instincts. Parenting 2.0 spans the past 100 years and includes a wide range of “expert” advice.
Parenting 3.0 is about reclaiming our natural parenting instincts and integrating them with a deep understanding of child development. It brings together the wisdom of the past with the best scientific and psychological research of the present. Parenting 3.0 isn’t another fad or a quick fix. It’s a set of principles that allows us to respond dynamically and confidently to our kids and to life from an informed and empowered place. Parenting 3.0 recognizes that parenting while misaligned with human nature is a losing battle.
Music: Creative Minds and Beyond the Line courtesy of
The Parenting 3.0 Show is a weekly long-form discussion aimed at helping to make parenting more effective and enjoyable for parents and more beneficial for kids.
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
The Parenting 3.0 Show Trailer
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
In this first mini-episode, Jai and Deb introduce themselves and share what motivated them to create The Parenting 3.0 Show.
The Parenting 3.0 Show is a weekly long-form discussion aimed at helping to make parenting more effective and enjoyable for parents and more beneficial for kids.
Music: A New Beginning courtesy of